Monthly Archives: August 2014

Little Bandit!

Here’s another Draw. Write. Now. picture, a fat, little, cute, chubby raccoon! Whenever something touches the grass it turns flat and neon green.


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Lady Liberty!

Here’s the best picture I put on my blog, The Statue of Liberty!! I made it from a step-by-step book series called  Draw. Write. Now. this morning. See the red white and blue fireworks?



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One nice day last month me and my brother came in from the mid-summer weather and cooled of. Then my mama said “There’s coons outside! “ S o we looked outside and saw four baby raccoons and on mother raccoon! Since we have stray cats in the backyard the coons came and ‘robbed’ the cat food bowl!! And once when we were on a walk we found a tall stick with it’s bark coming of so we took the bark off and brought it home. So to give the coons space, mama stood behind the air-conditioner  and used that stick and chased off those coons! But we always enjoy a nice visit from them! =-)


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Swimming Lessons: Picture 1

I took swim lessons (so did my brother ) once a week for six weeks and I learned to float on my back, do “ scoops “, float on my stomach, front and back glides, use flippers, use a kick board, dive for a diver ring,  tread water, blow bubbles out of my nose, and more stuff I can’t think about!


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