Monthly Archives: September 2014

X Marks The Spot!

Make your own old day map (or scroll, letter, etc.)! Here are the easy-to-do steps:          1. Get one (or more depending on how many you want to make ) piece of manila paper.  2. Crumple it nice and tight and then unfold it. Repeat this 10, to 15 times, you’ll notice it starts to get smooth and soft.  3. With a little pressure  spread your hand across it. Or rub it side to side one a corner of the wall.  4. Now get a marker, pen, Sharpie, etc.  you know, just any thing you prefer to draw with. This step may also be done before hand.  5. ENJOY!! 



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“Let It Go”

Here’s (finally) a picture of Frozen! here I have Elsa, Ana, and Olaf. Olaf is the cute happy little snowman who dreams of summer, Elsa is the one who has a very glittery dress and a snowflake above her, and Ana is the one with the rosemaling design on her navy blue dress. “Let it go! Let it go! Can’t hold it back anymore!”CCF09182014_00007

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Lewis and Clark

I drew this picture of Lewis and Clark out of the same Draw. Write. Now. notebook that I drew the Statue Of Liberty. Lewis and Clark were real people who traveled nearby here, were I live!



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