Monthly Archives: September 2016

Painting With Friends: Tea

A couple weeks ago we had some friends come over to paint. Here is one thing that I painted.


A really bad scan but it gives you a pretty good view.

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Listen Up

So I can’t post a lot of things because our computer lost 2 years of memory but several new things are here to post!

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Temari is the daughter of the Kazekage, older sister of Gaara and younger sister of Kankuro. She uses Wind Style and carries with her a big fan.

temari blog.png

In this picture she is around 18

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Kankuro is the son of the Kazekage, older brother of Gaara and Temari. He uses the Puppet Master Jutsu with his puppets Crow and Black Ant.

kankuro blog.png

In this picture he is 12.

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Gaara of the Desert is the son of the Kazekage. His teammates are also his siblings; Kankuro and Temari. He is the youngest of the three. Growing up in the Hidden Sand village he was a monster, a Jinchuuriki of the Shukaku. The Shukaku is the demon that loves only himself. After losing a fight with Naruto he realizes that teamwork and love is what made him so strong. Soon the Hidden Sand surrenders to the Leaf and they are allied.


In this picture he is twelve. 


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Neji Hyuga is a protector of his cousin Hinata Hyuga. He was raised by his uncle. His sensei is Might Guy and his teammates are Rock Lee and Tenten. His Kekkei Genkai is the Byakugan.


In this picture he is 12.

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Tenten is a Kunoichi of the Hidden Leaf village. Her sensei is Might Guy and her teammates are Rock Lee and Neji.


tenten blog.png

In this picture she is 12.

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Rock Lee

Rock Lee is a hard working Shinobi. His sensei is Might Guy and his teammates are Neji and Tenten. He as no Ninjutsu or Genjutsu so he is limited to Taijutsu. He will never stop training no matter how bad his injuries are.


In this picture he is 12.

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Choji Akimichi is a Shinobi that spends more time eating than he does training. His teammates are Ino and Shikamaru. His sensei is Asuma Sarutobi.


choji blog.png

In this picture he is 12.

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Shikamaru Nara is the first one to become Chunin and using his skills, leads his team in missions. In his spare time he plays Shogi (chess) and his teammates are Ino and Choji. His sensei is Asuma Sarutobi. His catchphrase is “What a drag.”

shikamaru blog.png

In this picture he his 12.

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