Monthly Archives: October 2017

Entertaining Myself in Chilly October

We are on break right now, so I don’t have much I need to do. I have found many ways to keep myself entertained, however. First off, Minecraft (of course!). I’ve been building a city on single-player, and playing with people on 2 servers. Click here to see pics of my city. And feel free to subscribe!! I also got the new WOW: 2018 CD on release date. So on top of never turning off my radio, I’ve been listening to my favorites on the CD (and a few other CDs). It comes with two discs. My favorite on disc 1 is probably Thy Will by Hillary Scott & The Scott Family. And on disc 2 there is no question about it: Priceless by For King and Country. Me and my little brother LOVE For King and Country! It’s kind of annoying that he won’t stop listening to Fix My Eyes though. Oh, well. Still those 3 songs I just mentioned can’t top Warrior by Hannah Kerr and The Comeback by Danny Gokey. Huh. My favorite songs: Warrior, The Comeback, and Overcomer. There’s a bit of a connection there, do you see it? πŸ˜› I also like Ryan Stevenson (I went to his concert!! It was one of the funnest things I’ve EVER done!)(Eye of the Storm, The Gospel, Fresh Start), Jordan Feliz (The River, Best of Me, Beloved), and Hollyn (Alone, In Awe). Ok, enough talk about music or we could be here all day (no exaggeration there). Me and my mom recently went to the thrift store and came back with some books for me to read. I’ve been reading The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan. That’s the 3rd book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Remember me mentioning my pet parakeet awhile ago? And how she killed my other one? We haven’t put her with any bird since the uh, incident. After a couple years of training, she can (as of a week and a half ago) happily and non-aggressively interact with my little brother’s parakeet (Kunai). Ibon (my bird FYI) also will fly onto my shoulder the second I enter the room and will stand on my finger with out chewing it off. I can also kiss her without worrying about being attacked.Β  Oh, andΒ  I almost always have a cup of hot milk tea next to me. πŸ™‚


My tea, book, and music.


My now very friendly birdie.

And how could I forget?? We made a scarecrow out of one of my dad’s old shirts, one of my dad’s old pair of jeans, twine, newspaper, brown paper, inflatable packing things, my brother’s (and mine) old rainboots, a jack-o-lantern trick-or-treat bucket, some rocks (to weigh down the head), and an old cowboy hat we’ve had for 6 years.


Our scarecrow. Every now and then we think it’s a person on our porch!

I’ve also been working on making a costume for Halloween. I’m going as Rey from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.



I’ve also been occupied with my Taekwondo class, but that’s all for now, and please subscribe!! πŸ˜€



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