Monthly Archives: November 2017

My 11th B-Day Party

On Saturday I had my 11th birthday. It wasn’t actually my birthday then, though. I invited 11, yes, 11 other girls to come. 8 of them came, but that’s still a lot of extra people in our small house! We made sure to get LOTS of pictures. I did a (non) murder mystery party using a Shot In The Dark Mystery Kit. SPOILER ALERT: If you are planning to use one of these murder mysteries, (I used Mystery in the Library. Same as Murder in the Library just no murdering) DO NOT READ THIS POST.

We all headed downstairs to the scene of the crime: the “Library.”



My friend as Carson Vulpes. She won Best Costume award!! Like our mugshot background? We used poster board, Sharpie, stencils, and electrical tape (And we bought crime scene tape on Oriental Trading).


Me as Tara Miller.


My friend as Julian Lynch.DSC_0453

My friend as Todd Bartley.


My friend as Janet Kritch. I don’t know what’s up with that weird half blink.


You can’t read it very well, but this is my friend as Paige Zimmerman.


My friend as Clinton Weaver. Her character doesn’t like mine, so she kept saying, “That pesky Tara Miller!”


She blinked. This is my friend as Azura Rose.


My friend as Elisebeth.

After the mugshots it was time to start mingling to gather info on each others characters to solve the mystery on who stole the Sardonic Manuscript and left an origami fox.


The scene of the crime. DUN DUN DUN.


And the fox the culprit left in place of the stolen book. I’m pretty savvy with origami, huh? 😛


Before the party I did some decorating. I made a board of library events,


a board of community events,


I put a magnifying glass on the word “mystery” in our huge dictionary,


went to the thrift store and found a John F. Kennedy bust and a candelabra,


taped footprints around the floor inside and out,



and I set up a table with accusation forms, pencils, and name tags.


After we all cast our accusations, we went upstairs to eat dinner.


I made some chocolate-covered pretzels and bought some Swedish Fish (red herrings. Haha) for snacks. We ate chips, hot dogs and potato salad as the actual meal, though. At this point my dad and brother came out of their hiding place in a bedroom.






Next, it was time for the BIG REVEAL to see who was culprit and who guessed it right. (We also handed out prizes). The audio file that announced the culprit started hinting towards Carson Vulpes, and everyone started looking his (her) direction. (She looks so nervous, like, “It is so going to be me.” kind of nervous.


And then, BOOM. It announced that Carson Vulpes did it. Let’s just say it got LOUD when we all found out. She was quite happy to be the culprit, and pretty proud of it. But look at her face!!!


Next it was time for CAKE and ICECREAM! It was a seriously delicious cake. After cake I opened my presents and then us girls headed back to the library to play (and roughhouse) with each other until their parents picked them up. All in all, it was the BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER!

cake blur







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