Monthly Archives: December 2017

What I’ve Been Doing


Me in bed… tissues all over the place a a bowl of burn-your-face-off soup.

i sick

*Cough cough cough cough cough ACHHOOO cough cough cough*


“YA YA GOOOO REYYYYYY!!!! *cough cough cough cough cough cough cough*

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DPP Day 5

5th Day of Christmas: Five Golden Rings

Today my mom was canning some turkey and ham broth, so I took the opportunity to take a picture of 5 golden rings… kinda.


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DPP Day 4

4th Day of Christmas: Four Calling Birds

All my stuffed birds like to travel around the house, and I interrupted one of their little meetings. I wonder what they’re saying?



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DPP Day 3

3rd Day of Christmas: Three French Hens

I’ve logged a few hours playing Minecraft today and decided to take a quick screenshot of 3 chickens.


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DPP Day 2

2nd Day of Christmas: Two Turtledoves

My crotchety old bird used to be very well avoided in my house (even known as a murderer. R.I.P. Tweet Tweet) until I started training her! Now, she can hang out with my brother’s bird (Kunai) unattended.


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DPP Day 1

1st Day of Christmas: A Partridge in a Pear Tree?

Finally, December is here! We got our Christmas decor up, and our 2 fake trees out and full of ornaments. For my first December Photo Project picture of the year, I took a picture of my parakeetĀ on a pathetic houseplant pear tree!



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