Monthly Archives: March 2018

Book Review: King of the Wind

For my monthly book club, me and my friends all read King of the Wind by Marguerite Henry. It’s a book about a Moroccan boy, Agba, who is mute, and his horse, Sham (meaning “sun”). Agba takes care of Sham from the day he was born, and despite being mute, soon trains him to be a race horse. Sham has 2 markings on his body; a white spot on his ankle, which is considered to be a good luck omen, and a tan wheat ear, which is considered to be a bad luck omen. The superstitious people of Morocco are usually against letting the horse compete due to the wheat ear, while Agba thinks only of the white spot. I think it was a great book, and I give it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.


Filed under Book Review

Birthday Basket

My friend’s birthday party is coming up, so I’ve been thinking about gifts to give. I thought about making something, but I don’t have time or supplies to do something like that, especially since I have school. Me and my mom thought about it for awhile, and (after many Pinterest pages) finally decided on a birthday basket. We thought about some themes for it, like Star Wars, sewing, painting, reading, and finally decided on a cooking theme. We browsed on Amazon for a nice set of measuring spoons and cups and finally decided on this set with 4 measuring spoons, 4 collapsible measuring cups, and a silicone spatula, all of them silicone. Oh, and a cookbook. We also went to Walmart and got a red mixing bowl as the basket and a birthday card. I got an awesome Wookie one that plays Wookie noises when you open it. I’m pretty sure its supposed to be a Wookie singing “Happy Birthday.” I was excited when the cooking set came only to find this.


Hmm, this doesn’t seem right.


Ok, nope, this is NOT right, something is off. The box is small, too.

Before opening it, me and my mom dug through a box of random kitchen items to find our unused silicone spatulas so we could wash them, and while the dishwasher was running I opened the box and took out the spoons and cups, and there was something else in there.


A spatula. THE spatula. Notice how little room is left at the top even if the it’s diagonal.


In fact, it’s longer than the box itself. They actually managed to get one in there, even though they didn’t list it on the box. We ended up keeping ours.

Anyway, the cups and spoons are really cool, and I’m kind of jealous they’re for a gift, even thought I picked it out myself.

DSC_0796Here are the cups. They don’t really look like it though, do they? More like paddles.


They fold out really nice, and they’re very colorful!


Aha! That’s better. It’s really easy to collapse them, and they save a lot of space.


See the difference in bulkiness?


The spoons are nice, too, and I love how they’re rectangle.


Here is the package. I put some curly confetti stuff in the bottom.


I made a Kylo Ren sticker with my sticker-maker to seal the card.


To top it off, I wrapped it in colored cellophane and tied it with a ribbon. I hope the b-day girl likes it 🙂 .




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Filed under Craft