Category Archives: Kids

Hello Kitty I’m your fan!

This is a picture of Hello Kitty, it says: I’m a, then a picture of her, fan!( It doesn’t actually say: then a picture of her!)


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Filed under Art, Drawing, Kids

Are you scared of heights?

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’m scared of heights
What do I do?
Don’t be scared of heights,
I’m sure the whites
Are scared of heights!
Miss M is six-and-a-half years old.  She wrote this poem 

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Filed under Kids, Poetry, Writing

Mommy and Daddy’s Infant!

This is a picture of a Mommy and Daddy seahorse, I made from memory of my step–by–step how to draw a seahorse! It’s adorable! Isn’t it?




Miss M is six-and-a-half years old.  She drew this picture with colored pencils on white printer paper.


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Filed under Art, Drawing, Kids

Time to eat!

This is a picture of a girl putting a letter in the drop box.  And her family’s thinking about what they’ll eat! The Daddy wants soda, the Mommy wants ice water, and the girl wants meat and rice!





Miss M is six-and-a-half years old.  She drew this picture on blue construction paper with Crayola markers.  She does love her rice and meat just like the girl in the picture!

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Filed under Art, Drawing, Kids

The mama robin

I “ see” a mama robin outside. I wonder what she’s doing? Maybe she’s looking for worms to feed her babies! What do you think?


Miss M is six-and-a-half years old.  She loves to watch birds out the window.  Blue jays, robins, and cardinals are her favorites!  She drew this picture on manila paper with Crayola markers.

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Filed under Art, Drawing, Kids

A girl in a tent

This is a picture of a girl in a tent, I made this very morning on: July 11th, on Thursday, in 2013. It’s a picture of a girl waving at “me”! And a picnic table with a bowl of oranges! ( Apparantly the oranges are almost all gone!) =-o


Miss M is six-and-a-half years old.  She drew this picture on white cardstock with No. 2 pencil and colored pencils.

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Filed under Art, Drawing, Kids

Hi there, clown!!

This is a paining of a clown and girl I made with poster paint from my easel. It looks like he’s in the water with the sun setting. (I don’t know why he’s smiling I think he’ll drown!!!) I think the girl already drowned  =-(


Miss M is six-and-a-half years old.  She is constantly producing art and stories and is very excited to be blogging about them!

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Filed under Art, Kids, Painting

Painting: The Tree of Imagination

I made this painting called: The Tree of Imagination. I made it at the age of 6 and a half, on Tuesday, in July 9th, in 2013. It got its title from me pretending that I saw it. And I painted it with watercolor paints. ( I didn’t necessarily make it on Tuesday, in July 9th, but I did make it in 2013!) I had a fun time painting it; it was messy but fun!! =-)



Miss M is six-and-a-half years old.  This is the first blog post she wrote all by herself! She is also learning to scan her own artwork.  She hopes to post more of her art and stories here in the near future.



Filed under Art, Kids, Painting

Drawing: Kyoto


This is a picture of Kyoto. I drew Kyoto because it was for school.  There is a bad guy running on the sidewalk.  A police car is chasing him and is going to get him.  Good guys are chasing the bad guy so they can get him and put him in jail. The lines on my picture are the windows of the tall buildings.  The building with no sign is a work office.  The one with a sign is a hotel.  The side one with brown and white is a mountain.  It’s night time so the sky is dark blue.  Some people must be sleeping in the hotel!

Miss M is five years old.  She drew this picture using a mechanical pencil and crayons.  It was part of her 1st grade curriculum.

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Filed under Art, Drawing, Kids

Video: Unicorn Joke

What do you call a crazy unicorn?

A Looney-corn!

Miss M is five years old and enjoys reading, telling, and making up silly jokes!

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May 15, 2012 · 5:20 pm