Tag Archives: sad

Painting: Emma’s Carrot

Emma has a carrot.  She saw a tree with a nest and some eggs. The mama bird was looking for worms. Emma did not eat her carrot. It got decayed. Emma is sad.  Emma is sad because her carrot decayed and she couldn’t eat it. Lola is my grandma. She had a pumpkin that decayed. She should have cooked it and eaten it, but she didn’t and it decayed.  The pumpkin decayed like Emma’s carrot.  Poor carrot. Poor Emma. Now Emma is sad.

Miss M is four-years-old. She recently received an art easel and enjoys producing colorful paintings featuring her imaginary friends Emma and Emily.

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Filed under Art, Emotions, Kids, Painting

Painting: Happy or Sad

This painting is about being happy or sad. Sometimes I feel happy. Sometimes I feel sad. I feel happy when I’m painting. I put a red roller coaster, but it’s not going because there are no people and no seats.

Miss M is four-years-old. She recently received an art easel and enjoys producing colorful paintings featuring her imaginary friends Emma and Emily.

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Filed under Art, Emotions, Kids, Painting